
Impressing people VS being Impressive. Why excellence creates its own status
Llewellyn Devereaux Llewellyn Devereaux

Impressing people VS being Impressive. Why excellence creates its own status

I recently read an article that spoke about the stress of social comparison. It made me think I had to go further into something I touched on in the previous article regarding doing things to either impress people or being impressive. The ego wants to impress people while actually being impressive requires you to adopt a mindset of excellence.

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The Future of skills and the death of Degrees.
Llewellyn Devereaux Llewellyn Devereaux

The Future of skills and the death of Degrees.

We’ve often heard the media talk about the “millennial” generation who they paint as being the “lost” generation who are seeking meaning to their lives and are against the old ways of doing things. Firstly the millennial generation (which I’m a part of) are a group of people who were born between 1981 and 1995.

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How to turn yourself into a gold mine. 9 key steps.
Llewellyn Devereaux Llewellyn Devereaux

How to turn yourself into a gold mine. 9 key steps.

After looking at “Be so good they can’t ignore you,” the question really was, how does one become THAT good? How do some people achieve such astonishing levels of success while everyone barely seems to get by. We are drawn to these people and marvel at them because they appear larger than life even though they have the exact same biology as us.

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Making noise in a busy world - BOLDNESS with Marketing.
Llewellyn Devereaux Llewellyn Devereaux

Making noise in a busy world - BOLDNESS with Marketing.

When you start building something or get good at some service you want to sell to people, you sometimes do the numbers in your head about how many you’d have to sell to make X amount & so on (I do it too). Sometimes these numbers are so inflamed but you’re allowed to dream right?

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Why wealth helps you make better decisions. 3 Major Points
Llewellyn Devereaux Llewellyn Devereaux

Why wealth helps you make better decisions. 3 Major Points

The other day I was on Twitter and I saw people once again coming down on influencers for taking on marketing campaigns for the sake of getting paid even though there is little to no synergy between what they’re about and the brands in question. COVID-19 forced a lot of people to lose their source of incomes and I guess people just felt that they had to make income regardless of what it took. These days an influencer could promote Nike this week and then do Addidas the following week all because of money. Everyone has bills to pay and it really got me thinking about the power of money when it comes to decision making.

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